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Dirt pedal into Twin for fusion?


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What pedal would you recommend $200 or less? I already have a clean boost and fuzz.. I need a gain pedal. I'm thinking COT Lil China or AM OD-9 Silver mod.


I'd like something very "clear" with lots of top end clarity, but still smooth and warm. Basically something similar to an Eternity without the price tag.

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I don't know about the OD-9, but AnalogMan's SD-1/808 Silver sounds really good and has good control variation. Robert Keeley also has a killer SD-1 mod. If you go with the Keeley, ask him to also do the SD-1 'no-bleed' mod.

PS; You may want to contact Jack Orman (AMZ) to see if he will build you a FG-2 :thu: That is one very sweet overdrive cleans op better than the SD-1s and is TB.

I like them all :thu:

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