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Controlling amp+G-major with FCB1010? Help!


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I recently bought a Line6 Duoverb, great amp, and I use my behringer FCB1010 to control it. I use Program Change and CC so that i can change channels and use the Whawha effect in the duoverb.


I have put my G-major in the fx loop, and now I want to be able to change channel on the duoverb and the g-major, with one step on the fcb 1010.


How do I do this?


Do I plug midi from fcb1010 to gmajor to duoverb, or what?


Please help.


Anders "Vince" Lund

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Originally posted by distanders

Do I plug midi from fcb1010 to gmajor to duoverb, or what?



Pretty much.


FCB1010 Midi Out goes to G-Major Midi In.


G-Major Midi Out or Midi Thru depending what it has and what the manual tells you goes to the Duoverb Midi In.


Depending what you want the G-Major to do relative to the Duoverb program you have several options, the most flexible I'll describe.


I assume you know about Midi Channels from this point. Make sure the Duoverb is set to receive program change info on a different Midi channel to the G-Major.


You then program the FCB1010 so that pressing a patch number sends the appropriate program change info to both the Duoverb and G-Major.


For example program 1 on the G major is reverb program 2 is chorus. Program 1 on the Duoverb is clean, 2 is crunch, 3 full on dirt.


You could program the FCB1010 patch changes as follows:


FCB = 1 Duoverb = 1 G-Major = 1

FCB = 2 Duoverb = 2 G-Major = 1

FCB = 3 Duoverb = 3 G-Major = 1

FCB = 4 Duoverb = 1 G-Major = 2

FCB = 5 Duoverb = 2 G-Major = 2

FCB = 6 Duoverb = 3 G-Major = 2


As can be seen different program changes can be sent to different pieces of equipment by getting them to listen to different Midi channels.


Hope this makes some sort of sense, good luck with it.

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Thanks alot!


but i have one question, I understand that i have to change Program Change messages on two different midi channels when i stomp on the FCB, but how do i know which program change message that goes into the g-major and wich one that goes into the duoverb?


Let's say that I, when FCB is set to 2, I'll have Program Change 1 on the FCB set to 2, and Program Change 2 set to 1. Just as in your example: FCB = 2 Duoverb = 2 G-major = 1


How do I make sure that Program Change 1 goes to the Duoverb, so that the G-major ignores that?

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Originally posted by distanders

Thanks alot!

but i have one question, I understand that i have to change Program Change messages on two different midi channels when i stomp on the FCB, but how do i know which program change message that goes into the g-major and wich one that goes into the duoverb?

Let's say that I, when FCB is set to 2, I'll have Program Change 1 on the FCB set to 2, and Program Change 2 set to 1. Just as in your example: FCB = 2 Duoverb = 2 G-major = 1

How do I make sure that Program Change 1 goes to the Duoverb, so that the G-major ignores that?


I've been searching the net for severel hours, and I understand of what you said that I have to set the Duoverb to only get information from a certain MIDI channel. From what I understand, I can't set the Duoverb to only read from a certain channel, seems like it reads from all channels :S.


The G-major can be set to read from a certain channel, but I can't find out how to make the FCB send on a certain channel.


HELP Please

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Originally posted by distanders

I've been searching the net for severel hours, and I understand of what you said that I have to set the Duoverb to only get information from a certain MIDI channel. From what I understand, I can't set the Duoverb to only read from a certain channel, seems like it reads from all channels :S.

The G-major can be set to read from a certain channel, but I can't find out how to make the FCB send on a certain channel.

HELP Please



Check here for how to program the FCB1010 to send different program changes on different Midi channels from the same patch button.


If your Duoverb only receives in what's called OMNI mode where it listens to all channels at once and responds to any program changes you have a couple of other options in set up.


1) Get both devices to respond to one program change message. Say the Duoverb has patch 1 clean, 2 crunch, 3 filth and you want a bit of reverb with each from the TC. Patches 1, 2, and 3 on the TC would be clones of each other. This means you'll have to duplicate patches to get the same effects combo working with different amp sounds etc. This works, is simple to understand, but is lots of work and makes adding more Midi gear in the future a pain as you'll have to program lots of duplicate patches on that as well.


2) Without being familiar with the Midi implementation in the TC, you may be able get the TC to only relay on program changes that the Duoverb should receive. In this case the TC knows that if it sees a program change on channel 1, it applies to it only and doesn't repeat that down the Midi Out to the Duoverb (you do need to use the Midi Out in this scenario). It sees a program change on channel 2, it knows that it is not for it and relays on to the Duoverb through the Midi Out. In this way, although the Duoverb is receiving in Omni mode, it only sees changes on channel 2, as the TC does the filtering. As I said this is dependant on the Midi implementation on your TC; if it can't do this, there may be Midi device out there that can do this filtering job.


Good luck with it.

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