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(long shot) Anybody know if you can mod the FR Revolution to output accent CV?

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It seems that the only thing that the FR Revolution's sequencer lacks compared to the dedicated Mobius is an output for CV accent. Since this voltage must be flying around somewhere on the mainboard, it seems plausible that you could add a jack to take the gate signal out of the case. Anybody heard of something like this?

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You might check with Jared directly. He used to do Mods for the 777 so if there is a way to Mod the Revolution, he would be the one to know if it's possible, and if it's possible, you could probably pay him to do it....


If you do check with him, let us know the answer....





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As usual, Jered was quick and helpful:




We can modify a Revolution to output the accent logic signal. We did this on the special edition revolution units.

Please note that the accent out is a logic gate signal which will swing from 0 to +5 volts, and not a varying control voltage. It works the same as the accent out on the 777 and Mobius units.

Also no additional holes will be drilled in the unit. What we did on the SE units was... the gate out jack is actuall a stereo jack. The gate signal is available on the Tip connection, and the accent out we wire to the Ring connector of the gate out jack. This way both gate and accent outputs can be accessed with a stereo or insert cable.

Cost for the mod would be $20, if you were to purchase the unit directly from us. As we can install the mod as your unit is assembled.

If you already own the Revolution or purchase from another source, cost for the mod would be slightly higher to cover the labor to disassemble the unit.

Let me know if this is something you would like to do, and we can forward you the payment information.


Jered Flickinger


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I'm planning to use my Revo with my pending Blacet modular. Having that accent pulse might be useful.


Would you input this signal to a slew limiter to get the equivalent accent behavior? Something else?


I have no idea what I'm doing. :wave:

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With a modular, the possibilities are crazay. That's correct: crazay. You could use the accent to trigger an additional amp or filter envelope, you could use it with a sample and hold to latch it for the duration of the note, you could trigger an entirely different voice with it, you can use it to step a sequencer, patch it into a voltage-controlled switch, etc.


Edit: you asked about equivalent behavior to the Revolution internal accent? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that accented notes are louder and have a more open filter, right? So you'd need to patch the accent accordingly. There are different ways you could accomplish this, perhaps you'd want to run the filter envelope signal through a VCA and use the accent to amplify the filter envelope, for example.

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Thanks p_i :thu:


IIRC, the Revo manual says something about not only being able to convert its internal sequencer data to CV, but also convert incoming MIDI data, (like from an external MIDI keyboard or sequencer), to CV.


I take this to mean I'll be able to play my modular with any MIDI keyboard, by using the Revo as a MIDI to CV converter, correct?

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You don't have one? I thought you did.:freak:


I like the Revo. I'm not a 303 purist, so the Revo's sound can get close enough to the real deal for me.


I also have AudioRealism's ABL soft-emulation, which is very good (and cheaper), but I like playing with the Revo's knobs more than using ABL. If you're on a budget, get the ABL.


If you want hardware and you're not a 303 purist, then the FR 777 is probably the better deal.


Without the CV features, I'd say the Revo is overpriced, and I had considered selling it from time to time, but now that I'm starting a modular, for me it's become much more valuable.

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Originally posted by program_insect

You could use the accent to trigger an additional amp or filter envelope, you could use it with a sample and hold to latch it for the duration of the note, you could trigger an entirely different voice with it, you can use it to step a sequencer, patch it into a voltage-controlled switch, etc.

Just curious, but it seems the mod is a logic level. TTL, perhaps.


Can all of the modular trigger destinations you mention be triggered with a 5V pulse?

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