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Need a quality 49 key portable keyboard


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I currently have a Radio Shack MD501 49 key porable keyboard that I use in an unusual way: I strap it around my neck with a long guitar strap and play it with my left hand while standing.


I do this, so I can use it to accompany a one-handed flute that I play with my right hand. The system works great, and I enjoy playing this way. The only problem is that the keyboard sound sucks. I've been looking for a good qaulity 49 key keyboard that has touch-sensitive (velocity sensitive) keys and decent sound to upgrade to, but haven't found anything. The best I've come accross are some old Yamaha and Casio models, but they don't have the velocity sensitivity, and sounds aren't great.


I'd be willing to pay decently for this if I could find one. One required feature is the auto-accomaniment that is common on arrangers and cheaper keyboards. I thought of using a USB controller, but the unit needs to be self-contained, i.e, no cords.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Originally posted by smwells

-- I've been looking for a good qaulity 49 key keyboard that has touch-sensitive (velocity sensitive) keys and decent sound to upgrade to, but haven't found anything.

-- One required feature is the auto-accompaniment that is common on arrangers and cheaper keyboards.

-- the unit needs to be self-contained, i.e, no cords.



No such product exists.

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BTW, I forgot to mention, it doesn't need speakers or an amp. I use a portable stereo amp strapped to my back, so I just need a headphone or line out. ( I know I said no cords, but cords that go only as far as my backpack are o.k.)



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At this point, listening is the only thing I use my ears for, Rouqmirg, but I'm open to other uses as well. Being a one-man band requires being adaptable :)


For those who suspect I may be a crackpot invading a sensible forum with fantisized hogwash (not unreasonable to suspect, by the way, based on what I've posted so far), you can see the one-handed flute that I play at my website:




This may lend some (if not much) credibility to what I'm trying to accomplish.





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I didn't mean to further the assumption that you might be a crackpot - it just seemed all that gear would get pretty heavy. FYI, my limited experience here would suggest that some are far less than sensible. :) For instance, there's some weird fella named 'porkchop' or something like that. Or maybe it was 'pighoof'. Something like that.

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