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impatience related buyers remorse have i


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in my new and improved price range at GC is the 65 deluxe reverb, and the hot rod deluxe. the reviews on HC lean heavily towards the '65... anything else I should be looking at?

my salesguy is having lunch, Im going down there in an hour with a credit card, kicking asses and taking names..er..an amp.

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

with stuff like this going for $115 on the 'bay, i know what i'd be looking for.


ive had a couple vintage small tube combos similar to that (never an alamo) and the ONLY issue with purchasing one for myself is reliability. ive had a string of lemons bought off ebay recently, so Im leaning towards brand spankin new.

id hit an old supro in that range though in a heartbeat.

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The ONLY way you'll get what YOU want is to try everything in your price range with YOUR SETUP. Your guitar, your pedals, your cables.

Sure, some amps get great reviews, but they aren't for everyone. I personally found the Hot Rod Deluxe very lacking for $600. It really just didn't wow me. It was better than a Spider II 15w combo I tried right before it, but I still preferred my solid state Marshall halfstack over the Hot Rod Deluxe. I actually bought the Marshall over the Hot Rod. As well as other amps like the Vox Valvetronix series.

Take your guitar, your pedalboard and your cables to GC and try every amp you can afford. If none really "click," don't buy any and keep looking!

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