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lo or no budget alternatives? hello digitech


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so, im waiting a few weeks and saving up some bread for a new amp. im just sitting here tonight looking at my gear wondering what i could ebay off, and i got this old digitech metal master laying around. for kicks i plugged it straight into my mixer, jacked my dipinto into it, and slapped on some headphones.

i was quite suprised. no im not saying its a great tone or even particularly useful for what im playing these days, but it sounded EXACTLY like it would if in front of amp on a clean channel. it sounded just like the demos on MF or the digitech site.

i got all excited for minute and plugged in a few other pedals the same way. no such luck, the rest sounded weak and fizzy, as i expected they would.


this of course tells me that these digitech pedals are not in fact OD or distortion pedals, but are actually cheap one-trick modelers.


maybe you all already knew that, but i find it pretty interesting.


now, here i am wondering if i shouldnt try to score a couple of these things on the cheap right now, and use them until i can get an amp, basically just using them thru headphones and my monitors. maybe even i could lay down some scratch tracks into cubase or something. lots of possibilities.


the bad monkey immediately comes to mind. ive never played one but the reviews are overwhelming.


also the screamin' blues had some fun demo sounds.


if i wanted to speand some cash, which i dont and thats the whole point of this idea, i could get a v stack tweedy which provides actual tone.


anyone tried that 30 dollar behringer sansamp ripoff box?? the price is right.


any other 50.00 solutions?? i figure i can blow a couple bucks for the luxury of headphone jamming until after these stinking holidays are over. then im selling my truck and buying a monster fender.

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i'Ve heard people saying the behringer worked for them.

the pod could be a great choice, check on ebay and find an old 2.0 version, shouldn't be that much.

as for digitech i think some of the newer pedals from the x series have cabinet emulation on them, so you can record direct with them while still having a decent sound quality.

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digitech pedals have a mixer-out thats got a cab-sim on it. low-tech modeling is it, but effective also.

for $50 you can get a used vamp2, and for $20ish you can score a used digitech rp50. neither of these are cool as stompboxes, but they serve the purpose you describe.

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