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I challenge Inscho to a musical duel.

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Originally posted by Daeveed

Actually I'm hearing it too in Tupelo.

the drums & bass are panned heavily to the right side, and the guitars on the left.



oh I didn't find out until much later that my recording program likes to do weird things like pan {censored} hard left and right....and I didn't know much about panning to begin with....those two are some of my first recordings ever and just never bothered to fix them.


song of many is one of the newest ones I've recorded...I think the panning is better on that one.

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Originally posted by ChitownTerror

I usually pan guitars and vocals, not the bass or drums. Am I violating some great law of mixing?

I always thought the only law to mixing was to not have it sound like ass. But I do think its standard to center the rhythm section. I think it would be awesome to have a drum kit mic'd up and have everything panned out all crazy-like. If only quad was the standard. :eek:

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Originally posted by inscho

oh I didn't find out until much later that my recording program likes to do weird things like pan {censored} hard left and right....and I didn't know much about panning to begin with....those two are some of my first recordings ever and just never bothered to fix them.

song of many is one of the newest ones I've recorded...I think the panning is better on that one.




haha, it actually gives it a cool "live room feel" when I listen to them with headphones.

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

I always thought the only law to mixing was to not have it sound like ass. But I do think its standard to center the rhythm section. I think it would be awesome to have a drum kit mic'd up and have everything panned out all crazy-like. If only quad was the standard.

Or have the bass slowly panning from one side to the other and back? That'd be so horribly disorienting I might try it on a new mix. Just to {censored} with the rest of my band, of course. :D

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Originally posted by ChitownTerror

Or have the bass slowly panning from one side to the other and back? That'd be so horribly disorienting I might try it on a new mix. Just to {censored} with the rest of my band, of course.


Also get a couple of cowbells and have them do an answer and call sorta thing from the left and the right. :idea:

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

If only quad was the standard.

Going a bit off topic here.
I studied Audio & Acoustics Engineering in University, and when I was in my second year, one of the seniors' thesis was a quad set of headphones...oh man we had fun listening to that thing.
I wonder why nobody mass produced them...

EDIT: too many typos.

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