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Pedal Chain


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I just got a ton of pedals for Christmas and I am curious if there is a certain order that I should chain them together on my pedal board. The pedals I have are:

Boss DD-20 (Delay)

Boss TR-2 (Tremelo)

Morley Little Alligator (Volume)

Cry Baby GCB-95 (Wah)

MXR Distortion + (Distortion)

Boss TU-2 (Tuner)

Does it typically effect the sound depending on what order you put them in?

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I will tell you the order that I would put them in, but it's all up to you depending on the sound you want. The order DEFINITELY affects your sound.


1) Boss TU-2 (Tuner)

2) Morley Little Alligator (Volume) (if you have a tuner out for your Volume pedal, use that with your TU-2 because the TU-2 doesn't have the greatest buffer in it and it can suck tone a bit)

3) Cry Baby GCB-95 (Wah)

4) MXR Distortion + (Distortion)

5) Boss TR-2 (Tremelo)

6) Boss DD-20 (Delay)


If you want to know my reasoning for this order, just ask me.

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A general rule of thumb is:


* Tuner, Compression, EQ

* Wah (some like it before distortion)

* Distortion/Overdrive

* Wah (some like it after distortion)

* Phase/Modulation (chorus, phase, flanger, tremolo, etc.)

* Noise Supressor

* Delay/Reverb

* Volumed Pedal


Yes, it makes a difference what order you put things in (e.g., Wah/Distortion) so the best advice is to experiment and find what works best for your sound. Here's a web site with some tips:



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