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SOT: Musician's F(r)iend may have botched an order in my favor ...


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Originally posted by Eddie

Well done!


I'd agree if they actually presented me with some sort of incentive to follow through with a return. I recieved a generic cut'n'paste return info email today ... and they expect me to waste part of my day calling their customer service line to speak with someone about the extra units. Those asses better be holding a gift certificate for me! :mad:

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I don't get it. MF botches so many people's orders and then won't fix them, but they finally botch one in the buyer's favor and you call them on it? :freak:

I would have made a topic here with the title; "WHO HERE HAS GOTTEN SCREWED OVER BY MUSICIAN'S FRIEND?"

And then sent the extra 11 units to the 11 people who had the worst experiences with MF. :idea:

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Originally posted by -Anti-

I don't get it. MF botches so many people's orders and then won't fix them, but they finally botch one in the buyer's favor and you call them on it?

I would have made a topic here with the title; "WHO HERE HAS GOTTEN SCREWED OVER BY MUSICIAN'S FRIEND?"

And then sent the extra 11 units to the 11 people who had the worst experiences with MF.


GC will screw you without blinking. Plus all the people who work there seem to actually think the "cost" quote in the computer is REAL.....HAHAHAHAHAHA! Right... GC is evil. So I agree with the above poster. Karma would be giving them away, not back to the gluttoneous pig of musical darkness. They lie about cost and lower it to drive small business owners out- fact. They bait and switch as a normal business practice-fact. The only good GC is one thats on fire-fact. Its really an unethical company... You are told as always to sell high margin low quality crap. Ever wonder why they try to throw in cables, picks, etc if they are cutting profit so low for such a "great" deal... My favorite is when they take out full page ads for a RIDICULOUSLY low priced piece of gear, of which each store gets only ONE so its a legal bait and switch. That first one is gone when the doors open......

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Also, I hope the topic creator realises that there is a very, very high probability that MF will actually make HIM PAY TO SHIP THE EXTRA UNITS BACK.

The same thing happened to me about a year back with another company. I bought something, they sent 12x what I ordered. I called them on it, and it bit me in the ass. I ended up having to pay to ship the {censored} back to them.

Never again will I call a company on something like that again. The same goes for if I find cash on the ground. Here's another story, a little OT, but still kind of fits.

Someone I know was in Wal-Mart. He found a $20 bill lying on the ground, and, being honest like he is, he walked over to the customer service desk to turn it in to the lost and found. Instead of the customer service person putting it with other lost stuff, she simply put the $20 in her pocket right in front of him.

Sometimes Karma pays you back in a different way. You just have to realize that finding a $20 on the ground, or getting extra stuff from a soulless mega-corporation can be Karma's way of paying you back. :thu:

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They have actually volunteered to provide a free shipping label ... but asking me to exert personal effort to compensate for their inability to communicate effectively within the company, i.e., calling customer service, seems a bit excessive IMO ... and, again, the lack of any concrete incentive to follow through with their return request has me "backsliding" a bit on the deal ... especially if they can't legally charge me for the extra (unsolicited) merchandise.

Perhaps my moral fabric is a bit frayed, but, all in all, ~$180 profit (seems) > wasting time/gas to go to the post office and making superfluous phone calls. :rolleyes::freak:

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