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now Vox Tonelab LE - any news?


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OK...Got my LE today...Plugged in via the headphone in (will try direct into the PA later) and OMFG!!!!! This thing is AWESOME!!. I have always been strictly a valve amp guy...Marshall JCM 800, Traynor YCV 40 AND 50 blue, but this unit really does sound like any of these amps and then some. I must admit i was a little skeptical but after hearing some of your SE tones i thought i would give it a try and so far I'm extremely glad i did. I fooled around with a SE once in a music store and although it sounded good but i could still here that digital simulation thing goin on (although i realise that a fair amount of tweaking is necessary to achieve a good tone) but this unit sounded fantastic straight out of the box. I went straight to the Marshall JCM800 tone(this is a tone i know extremely well) and was jaw dropped!...It really did sound just like the real thing, response, attack, sustain, punch, it was ALL there. I then went on to find a nice clean fender twin vibe and again i was gobsmacked, right there in the factory preset was the most lush clean jangle i have heard short of my old Fender twin reverb. Now i haven't even begun to scratch the surface of this thing yet but for the last 3 hours i could not put my strat down, it sounds that good. If this thing sounds half as good running into my P.A i will be a very, very happy gent. I have a feeling that this unit is gonna blow everything else away....OK back to building a proper roadcase for it then set the P.A up and i will report back with the results.


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OK....... Roadcase is finished and i set my P.A up and plugged in (in stereo) and folks i think i have died and gone to tone heaven..really....This unit sounds as good as my Marshall JCM 800 . I am seriously at a loss for words. I have been playing in cover bands for 20 years 3-4 nites a week and this unit is going to make going to work fun all over again. Like i said before when it comes to REAL valve tone i am extremely fussy, 10 years ago i tried the modding mode with the pod and Digitech gear but in the end after days and daze of fiddling and tweaking i always went back to my amps...My god, where was this thing 10 years ago?.So far i have only played around with the factory presets (and believe me there are ton's of awesome sounds in here to start with, just some minor tweaking here and there and WHAMMOO! there is "THAT" sound. I think metal heads will love this thing as will the SRV and EVH freaks..Damn i can't see how ANYONE wouldn't want one. I am running it through a JBL active P.A with subs and powered foldback wedges and it just sounds soooooooooooo good. The clean sound is scary in the fact that i could swear that i had a stack of twins pointed straight at me??? un{censored}ing believable...OK ,,,must calm down...I can't wait to sit down and write my own sounds on this thing but for the time being i can't get over the presets???...Yes there are your standard sounds that are useless but there are just as many (if not more) great ones. Well i have 3 gigs on this weekend so i will give the unit a nice workout and post back here after the weekend but until then if you are tossing up whether or not to buy this unit all i can say is YES,YES,YES.YES.......

jESS..:thu: :thu: :thu: :thu: :)

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Thanks for that review, Jess.


I was wondering if you have any experience with the Tonelab SE & if so, how would you compare it.


The same question about the PODxt Live. I have the PODxt Live & am considering getting the Tonelab LE as well.


Thanks again,


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Thanks for that review, Jess.

I was wondering if you have any experience with the Tonelab SE & if so, how would you compare it.

The same question about the PODxt Live. I have the PODxt Live & am considering getting the Tonelab LE as well.

Thanks again,



Hey Brad...:thu:


I have only used a SE for an afternoon in a music store a few years back and while i was impressed with the SE it still didn't quite do it for me in the sense that i could still hear and feel that digital sim thing goin on, but with the LE i really think the VOX peeps have nailed it. It's like they took the SE that one step further and tweaked it just perfect.

As for the Podxt Live, I have a friend of mine who has one and has been in the "amp modeling" scene for quite some time, he also works in a cover show on a reg basis and uses his XT to really try and emulate the guit sounds as close as he can get to the original artists. He came to my gig tonight and after hearing the LE was ready to throw his money down right then and there for one. This guy was gobsmacked... I have a Traynor YCV 50 blue all tube combo that up until i got the LE i had been using for the smaller venues and he was scouting the stage and asking where my amp was ( he was convinced that i must have been using my amp) and when i told him "no man"...no amp, just the LE straight into the PA he was dead set floored.



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