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new pedal day... pic of board so far


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Got the DD20 today, its freakin sweet! Thanks Highpressur.


Waiting on the BYOC ScriptPhase Clone to come in. Im almost to the point where im done with my tone for a while and i will start workin on power supplies and cabling, which im in desperate need of. Then i'll be able to build the actual new board to tidy everything up


Wheres the best place to get George L's...not the kits but individual?

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Does your last name happen to start with G and end in ilmour?


I recently sold a bunch of pedals and have a few in the mail. i think it gives me gas having an empty spot in my pedal board so I'm downgrading to a Pedaltrain jr. I feel naked and free having my pedals on the floor, I suppose I'm not going to be able to take more than a couple anywhere before I get a new board though.

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