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Updating my Korg Legacy Collection


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I bought my Korg Legacy Collection a little over a year ago, and I just recently got a Macbook, so I now I'd like to download a Universal Binary version of KLC. But I'm confused on what I need. It says I need a USB Key now? And that I have to buy the RTAS version? but i'm usually using it as a VST within Ableton Live. like, wtf? :confused:


any help would be much appreciated!!!


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I'm not sure which KLC you have but this should help:



The key in understanding all of this is:

-- to focus on your specific product

-- to focus on specific version numbers (get the highest number)


About a year ago, Korg Japan decided to change their copy protection method from "challenge/response" to the use of the Syncrosoft USB Key (same protection as Steinberg, Vienna Symphonic Library, Arturia). With brand new products (like KLC-DE) the process was straightforward since the USB Key is in the box and that is the only way to authorize.


With older products (like the Original Korg Legacy Collection), Korg is migrating to Syncrosoft Key usage with newer versions (like the Intel-Mac).


IT IS a huge mess and it can be very confusing. If you are referring to the Original KLC (KLC-1), the Intel Mac is supported in version v1.2.1 (as mentioned in the FAQ). To get v1.2.1, you first must buy the 1.2.0 upgrade (with associated USB Key), then you can download the Intel Mac version.


If any of this is confusing, I would suggest contacting Korg USA on the phone:



P.S. -- The only advantage to all of this is that once you are on the Syncrosoft USB Key, you can easily add KLC-DE and KLC-AE2007 (if you want).

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ah, I should have mentioned that I have the original Korg Legacy Collection, the one that comes with the mini MS-20 controller. That FAQ somewhat clears things up, as there was another page that stated that I had to activate the RTAS version of KLC, which confused the snot outta me...


That means that I have to get a Syncrosoft USB Key somehow... hmm, do any of the other KLC packs contain USB keys? like the KLC-DE? Is there still a promotion going on where a KLC1 user can get the KLC-DE on a discount?

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That means that I have to get a Syncrosoft USB Key somehow... hmm, do any of the other KLC packs contain USB keys? like the KLC-DE? Is there still a promotion going on where a KLC1 user can get the KLC-DE on a discount?



The KLC-DE (M1/T1, Wavestation 1.5) DOES contain a Syncrosoft USB Key.


As a registered KLC-1 owner, you CAN buy the KLC-DE (with its included USB Key) for $99 directly from Korg USA (the offer is mentioned at the bottom of the link below):



Here is a direct link to the Korg USA store. After you enter the store, just click on "Software" on the left column.



I used this same offer to get the KLC-DE. When I ordered, the $99 price included free shipping. They ship you a "retail box", just like you could get in any store.


Also, if I am reading the FAQ's correctly, you MUST buy a "key-based license for the KLC-1 Software" for $15 even if you have a Syncrosoft key, and that KLC-1 v1.2 license is required for anyone who has an Intel Mac


Once you get the Syncrosoft USB Key (the Korg one is purple and says "Korg" on it), you can use it to hold ANY Syncrosoft licenses. A Syncrosoft USB Key can hold up to 99 licenses from different manufacturers. Therefore, after you get this key it could hold licenses from Korg, Steinberg, Arturia, etc. The keys from different companies look different (e.g. the Steinberg Key says "Steinberg") but the keys are all functionally the same.


Finally, here is a link to the Syncrosoft website where you can download the most current version of the "Syncrosoft License Control Center (LCC)". This is the utility application that allows you to view all licenses on a specific Syncrosoft USB Key and also allows you to transfer licenses from one USB Key to another (for example if you bought 2 products that both came with Syncrosoft USB Keys with licenses already on them, but you wanted to put the licenses on one key so you only had to use 1 USB port). As a general rule, I would suggest always downloading and installing the most current version of the LCC application and NOT install the LCC application that comes with the product. The LCC versions are backwards compatible so the most current version will always work with any product.



P.S. -- With dongles (like the Syncrosoft USB Key and the iLok), the license is physically stored on the dongle itself, so you don't want to lose the dongle. I used a screen print of the LCC listing of product licenses as documentation for insurance, so I can use it if I ever need to file a claim.

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And by using the key, it means you can use the software forever, regardless of the death of any licensing server on the 'net. Correct?

People may hate the dongles, but this would be one redeeming quality of them.



Yes, the license is physically stored on the USB Key.


There are pluses and minuses with both dongles and Challenge/Response protection systems. Both iLok and Syncrosoft USB keys support holding multiple licenses from different manufacturers (an iLok holds 100 licenses while Syncrosoft holds 99). Therefore, even if you have a boatload of different music software products that use these dongles, you only need 2 USB ports.

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I am in the same boat, but Korg doesn't seem to know where I can just buy the Synchrosoft key. Any ideas? I was quite unhappy that they'd change schemes like that in the middle of a product's life. They keep using the word "free" to refer to that upgrade, but I can't get it for free from them because I cannot source a synchrosoft dongle anywhere else.


Any ideas, Martin? BTW, I am the furthest thing from a Korg basher, and I know that the DE is only $99.00, but I don't feel like throwing money at a policy I don't agree with or at products I don't need.

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I was quite unhappy that they'd change schemes like that in the middle of a product's life.


Given the Original KLC was Korg's first retail computer software product, I get the impression Korg were REALLY upset when the "challenge/response (C/R)" authorization system in the KLC-1 was so quickly cracked and uploaded to various P2P sites.


I agree that it would have been a lot simpler if Korg had just stuck with C/R for the KLC-1 for its entire life.


I suspect the Korg had to create the KLC FAQ pages since this can be very confusing:


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Thanks, Martin. I was leery of getting a "branded" key, blank or not. Oh well.



Make sure you saw my late addition about the $15 "key based license" fee. Assuming my understanding is correct, the $39 "key+license" in the Korg USA store is similar in price to the other USB keys.


P.S. -- I assume all of the keys are "branded" (i.e. they either say Steinberg, Korg, Arturia, or VSL on them).

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