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Your opinions on the following signal chain


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Fender Strat/Fender Lead III/Gibson Les Paul:


Boss TU-2 Tuner

Digitech Whammy4 (with Tech 21 MIDI Mouse)

Original Crybaby

Lovetone Meatball Envelope Filter

EH Q-Tron+ Envelope Filter (w/ Boss DF-2 Dist. & Feedbacker in FX Loop)

Boss OD-3 OverDrive

Lovetone Doppelganger Phaser/Vibrato


Mesa Trem-O-Verb

In FX Loop of Amp:


MXR M-134 Stereo Chorus:

Mono out to EH Deluxe Memory Man

Stereo out to Boss DD-5 Digital Delay (w/tap tempo)


The two delays then go to a Loop-Master ABY so I can easily switch between short/analog or long/digital delays.


Are there any suggestions/considerations anyone would like to bring to my attention?


Thanks in advance

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The MIDI Mouse basically allows you to change the presets of the Whimmy4 without having to bend down and turn the knob. A simple footswitch that goes from 1-128 (1-34 are applicable to the Whammy, the rest are useless). The also a search/active feature which allows you to scroll to a preset without it taking effect. I've heard some people complain about the proximity of the buttons are too close, but it's cool with me for what I need it for. If it was a footswitch I would use more frequently, or especially alot on a gig, I might agree, but the whammy isn't a pedal you use on every tune.

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