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back from NY

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just back from NY yesterday. second time there in 6 months, amazing city spent the whole time wandering the streets taking photos and hunting down as many music shops as possible.


so i purchased a Zvex Woolly Mammoth, Fulltone Bass Drive and a Boss PS-5.


The woolly mammoth blows all other bass fuzz pedals out of the water IMO. the pinch knob is amazing, and at 0, the extra noise is'nt all that noticable, this beast is replacing most of my fuzz/dist pedals.


The fulltone bassdrive, holds onto all and adds a bit of low end, beautiful grit can be added, to almost full on RAT distortion with the boost. This is also replacing most of my dist/od pedals.


boss PS-5, works surprisingly well on bass, great for some extra madness and tweaking goodness. fun pedal, got it on the cheap.


I also tried, EBS MultiDrive, retains lows, adds some grit, but not as versitile as the BassDrive, and was dearer.


Death by Audio soundwave breakdown, insane pedal, no volume knob, and has a 60db boost, nice for insanely loud noise and fuzz, but impossible to use in a live situation, and at $225 wheres the volume knob !


Boss R-5, horrible, i dont understand how people can use this thing, the reverbs on this thing sound so artifical, and the amount of reverb you can add to a signal leaves alot to be desired, i prefer to smother my signal completely with reverb. I'll be sticking with my nanoverb.


boss RC-2, i got the RC-20XL already, and the rc-2 does the same job but is smaller. Takes a while to get used to it, and the extra switch would be needed, but for real estate on boards its worth it. not for $180 though.


i should have checked out more guitars, amps, basses and effects, but i spent alot of time on checking out those pedals and had so much more stuff to see in NY.

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