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Line 6 Echo Park question


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You need isolated power. No daisychain type power like the dunlop. I bought the echopark as my first pedal almost three years ago and it will stay with me. It's solid, it's small, it sounds *great* and it's cheap. I think it sounds better than the boss digital delays like the dd20 and dd3/5/6 and I know it sounds better than the Line6 DL-4. I tried it next to the Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man. I had the money in my pocket to buy it, but I tried the Echopark that the store just got. To be honest, the memory man sounds a tiny bit better, but the echopark has other sounds beside analog delay, like tape and digital delay. The echoaprk has tap tempo, is smaller, doesn't destort on the repeats, is cheaper and has a lot more options. Buy it now, you will not regret it, I promise. ;-)

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I love my Echo Park but it does need an isolated power supply. I have heard the Voodoo Labs power supply works great. Otherwie, just buy the Line 6 DC-1. It goes for about $15 and with that it will be perfectly quiet. I first tried the VS 1 Spot and it was noise city. Once your get by the power thing it is a great pedal with some really great sounds.

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