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NYC Pedalboards vs. RockBox Pedalboards


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Does anyone have a preferance of the two?

Any good or bad experiences with either?


I'm looking for a flat board.


These are both in my price range. It seems like NYC has a good reputation and RockBox is relatively a newer operation but I'm just checking to hear about anyone's personal experiences.


Thanks in advane!

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Wow- I just looked at the Rock Box boards... a complete 100% rip off of the NYC boards, but with different colors for surface fabric. Damn. I mean, {censored}, maybe make your tier an angled tier or something to look a little different at least.


Basically the same prices too.


I'd go with NYC on principle, but whatever works for you. I'm loving my NYC and doing custom sizing / level work was absolutely no problem. And just remember too - the new NYC's are 'lipless', although he hasn't updated all the pics yet.



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