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Digitech Pedals - A/C Transformer

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I use both the Digitech Bad Monkey and Digiverb pedals. I am tired of changing the batteries. I noticed on Digitech's website that it requires the PS200R A/C transformer, which is rated at 9.6vDC @ 300 mA. I can get my hands on a 9vDC @ 300 mA (or higher) tranny but 9.6 is not readily available at the store. Is 9.6vDC necessary? After all the transistor battery is typically no more than 9 volts. Why 9.6? Anyone use the 9vDC tranny without a problem?



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I have .used many 9VDC transformers. Including center positive ones that I cut and swaped the wires to make center negative. They all work fine, even on my Bad Monkey. So no need to sweat the details on a few 10ths of volts.

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