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fz7 mods


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Does anyone know of any mods for the Ibanez FZ-7 other than the Indyguitarist? I'm wavering on buying the book.



hi there - if that is the only mod you are needing and don't need any info on how to modify pedals, no technical support or anything like that I'd be glad to just give you ideas on what to change.


Where do you feel it falls short, I'll help you work out a mod.


fyi, schematic: http://www.indyguitarist.com/schematics/ibanez/FZ7-01.pdf




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Oh sweet! Thanks for the schematic link. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, to be honest :-X Are there any "obvious" changes/upgrades that would improve the clarity or something? I like the pedal but sometimes it seems like too "much"... And I like tweakability, off the top of your head are there any cool points to insert potentiometers for playing around? If you don't wanna give away trade secrets, I'll prolly just end up buying your book b/c you seem like a cool guy, especially since you're willing to give suggestions to some random guy like me :-)


Edit, i've been playing with it a bit, I guess what I don't like is that

a) it can be kind of muddy

b) doesn't take chords well (even power chords) - it tends to "flub" when given chords, no matter what I do to the gain control.

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Oh sweet! Thanks for the schematic link. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, to be honest :-X Are there any "obvious" changes/upgrades that would improve the clarity or something? I like the pedal but sometimes it seems like too "much"... And I like tweakability, off the top of your head are there any cool points to insert potentiometers for playing around? If you don't wanna give away trade secrets, I'll prolly just end up buying your book b/c you seem like a cool guy, especially since you're willing to give suggestions to some random guy like me :-)

Edit, i've been playing with it a bit, I guess what I don't like is that

a) it can be kind of muddy

b) doesn't take chords well (even power chords) - it tends to "flub" when given chords, no matter what I do to the gain control.


r35, r38, r41: remove stock resistor and install a 1k trimpot in each location. This will be eq controls.


r91 and c16 clip all frequencies 106hz and higher...this will make it quite muddy! Try making c16 smaller, maybe about .47uf to .68uf.

This will help with the clarity a ton.


The gain control won't have a ton of control simply because there is ALOT of clipping going on before the gain control has anything to do with the circuit. r21 is a 560k, lower this to decrease the gain before the gain control. I bet 220k or even 100k would be about right. These changes should help alot with the problems you are having with the pedal.


Hope that helps! :)




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