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Tried the EH Germ OD pedal


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Played it for 20 minutes yesterday through a jazzmaster and an orange rockerverb, so this is a first impressions thing rather than an in-depth review.


That said, I thought it was plenty interesting and will likely buy one in a month or two. Basically a germanium OD with a knob to cut the voltage and change the transistor bais.


Basically tonality is clear and edgey with a fuzzface with the volume rolled back on the guitar type of sound. Messing the volts and bais is what makes it interesting though.


I dailed in:


A seriously trashy mudhoney-style chordal fuzz thing.


A sustainy lead tone with a fizzy tail-off


Ring-mod, octave clangy tone


The pedal it most reminded me off was the fuzz factory (fuzz probe in my case), but think like a seriously mellow version of the fuzz factory.


Disclaimer: I don't think you'll dig this pedal if you're just after smooth and creamy OD, it might do that but its forte seems to be on the trashy-cool side of the tracks.

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Disclaimer: I don't think you'll dig this pedal if you're just after smooth and creamy OD, it might do that but its forte seems to be on the trashy-cool side of the tracks.



Agreed - this is not a "typical" OD pedal for all you "true OD" fans out there. It's very cool though. I mentioned this in a couple of other related posts, but I have a review on the Germanium OD on our blog (sound clips included): http://macdaddymusic.blogspot.com/2007/08/electro-harmonix-germanium-od-review_10.html

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