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BYOC Large Beaver

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Just finished building this tonight. I've never built or modded a pedal in my lie before, and i was pleasantly surprised that it fired up first time! it took about 3 or 4 hours in total and was a lot of fun, though slightly frustrating at times at the really fiddly parts.


been playing it for the last hour or so and i really like it. much better than the EH USA big muff, in my opinion.


tomorrow i'll be building my mighty mouse kit, so will post pics of both when done.

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awesome good work


I'm interested in the Mighty Mouse and it's wonderful mods. Be sure to keep this page as a reference in case you're more adventurous...




I highly recommend the Ruetz mod. I put a SPST toggle in my Turbo Rat to flip the 47ohm resistor on and off. Makes the pedal less harsh and perfect for certain OD applications. I may get around to putting in the 4th pot to make it sweepable. Got many other DIY projects to get to first...

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Cool man. Everytime I have the money in my PP account, I forget to get a BYOC. I did a fuzz build (First Fuzz Clone or something - easy and cheap) and I loved it. Like you said, the tricky parts were quite frustrating, but overall it was a fun learning experience. Only thing that really blew was that the board was literally about 1/2"x1".

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finally got to spend an hour with the Beaver yesterday, very good stuff indeed. i dont see too many other muffs in my future now. or at least not a need. single coils + muff = mmmmmmm...

of said hour, a good 20 mins was spent using the drive=0 for a barely raunchy grit when digging in. very good stuff.

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Congrats on the builds, I have the MM and LB with all the mods...just waiting for the flanger to come out.



it's funny, that's exactly what i'm waiting for too! i really like the dod flanger and i hear the BYOC is based on that but TB and more felxible. might build the trem too, i'm not sure yet.


i'm hoping to run the muff first and use the rat as my main distortion and click the muff in for solos and thick, fuzzy single string riffs. how do you think that would work?

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I've got one with the mids toggle switch, and it is pretty damned sweet. Definately better than the EHX stuff and as good as the big name boutique boxes for sure. Although having said that, I forsee a Skreddy Mayo within my near future.......

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I put in one of the transistors..err... diodes (i forget) backwards (so mad at myself for that one) and need to order another one because I'd already clipped off the leads. But I don't want to order just one freaking part... gotta decide on something else to build.


That and wiring up the jacks and switches is all I have left... and what I fear the most. Scared that my soldering is gonna get really ugly on those jacks.

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