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Please help this poor unfortunate soul with a power question...

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I need to know which of my effects I can run off of one output on my PP2+ with a Y-cable.


These are the effects I use/need to power:



Loop-Master TB strip


Fish & Chips

Full-drive 2

Box of Rock

Crunch Box



Just wondering which ones will be best off of one output...thanks!

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I need to know which of my effects I can run off of one output on my PP2+ with a Y-cable.

These are the effects I use/need to power:



Loop-Master TB strip


Fish & Chips

Full-drive 2

Box of Rock

Crunch Box


Just wondering which ones will be best off of one output...thanks!



Of all the pedals there, all should run off 9vDC. What matters is the current draw--you don't want to daisy chain outputs from the PP2 that would exceed the current available on that specific output.


The PP2 has six 100ma outputs and two 250ma outputs. The DD20 draws a lot of juice so reserve one of the 250ma outputs for it. The rest can be daisy chained as long as you don't exceed the current draw from any specific output of the PP2.


The surest way to be safe is to measure the current draw of each of your pedals and then use those numbers to figure out how to daisy chain the power cords. Measuring draw is not difficult--all you need is a multi-meter. More info here: http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/PoweringPedals/index.htm

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primarily, as mentioned before, just watch the total current draw off each output. as you'll be using one of the 200mA ones for the DD20, you'll have another one available.


i can tell you for certain that the TU-2 draws 65mA. the Crybaby shouldn't draw more than 1mA methinks. as for the rest, get in touch with the pedal makers. Brad at tonefactor, Zack at zvex, and Mike of MI Audio are pretty damn good with communication and service.. ask them.


also. to start off with i would run pedals in a chain together to assess for ones that will sound noisy together (because they will no longer be powered in isolation).. for instance i keep my double hotcake running off stand-alone because it's noisy with my other drive pedals. (fyi i use a pp2+ and daisy chain 3 outputs)

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