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I've had two but ended up letting both go. The DC-2 has a unique tone as it's really two chorus circuits in one pedal, set out of phase so that the warble of each circuit cancels the other out, leaving the "dimension" tone. The problem is the phase cancellation thins out your tone - fine on clean but with gain it would annoy me. Also, it's kind of lackluster in mono.

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I've had two but ended up letting both go. The DC-2 has a unique tone as it's really two chorus circuits in one pedal, set out of phase so that the warble of each circuit cancels the other out, leaving the "dimension" tone. The problem is the phase cancellation thins out your tone - fine on clean but with gain it would annoy me. Also, it's kind of lackluster in mono.

Thats what I found. It was just too thin.

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I've still got one, though my board these days consists of a volume pedal and a delay...

I like mine. I put it on the second setting, that's like the perfect base chorus sound, to copping old Poison and Metallica tones (i.e 80's rock), to getting those killer hendrix-ey gummy solos. I always run mine mono.

I've also got an old Roland D-50 keyboard, this was the keyboard used on most every commercial and movie soundtrack back in the 80's. From what I understand, the chorus in that keyboard is what the DC-2 is based on, as well as some rack stuff from that period. Doesn't sound as good to my ears as the DC-2 does, IMO...

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The DC-2 is a great chorus, but also at the same time an aquired taste. The lack of the familiar chorus 'woosh' does throw some people off, and it does sound distinctly different in stereo.

It does indeed sound a little thin (at least in mono), and I've experimented a bit with mods to let more bass through it, but so far only managed to make it sound boxy :( Of course, if the thinness is caused by phase cancellations, that is to be expected... That could also explain why it sounds so much fatter in stereo.

The DC-2 was released in december 1985 and is a fully analog chorus - basically a pedal version of the 1979 SDE-320 Dimension D rack unit. It was most definitely not lifted from the digital D-50 synth (released in 1987).


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I'll admit that I was slightly disappointed at first with the DC2. I think that it was because I heard a lot of hype about it - I don't know what I expected the thing to do - maybe play my guitar for me or something?....

Anyway, the longer I have it the more I realize all of its possibilities and the more I have learned how much it really works with my sound. When I do use distortion (hardly ever) I don't usually use it with the DC2. It is much better on a clean channel IMO.

It is amazing how different the 4 presets are. I didn't see that at first, but now if I need a little extra modulation for a piece and I click on preset 4 it could sound totally wrong, but if I jump over to preset 3 it is perfect. So you really are getting a pretty versatile pedal. It is kind of the chorus for people who aren't into the more traditional chorus sound......

So, yes. It was worth the investment.

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The DC-2 was released in december 1985 and is a fully analog chorus - basically a pedal version of the 1979 SDE-320 Dimension D rack unit. It was most definitely not lifted from the digital D-50 synth (released in 1987).




I must have read that it was based on the Dimension D rack, and just got it backwards. Oh well.

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The DC-2 is a great chorus, but also at the same time an aquired taste. The lack of the familiar chorus 'woosh' does throw some people off, and it does sound distinctly different in stereo.

It does indeed sound a little thin (at least in mono), and I've experimented a bit with mods to let more bass through it, but so far only managed to make it sound boxy
Of course, if the thinness is caused by phase cancellations, that is to be expected... That could also explain why it sounds so much fatter in stereo...

okay, so theres 2 outputs. how do you use it in stereo? 2 amps?

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unless you have an amp that facilitates it ie stereo effects loop,yes.

when i use my DC-3 it is really the only time i bring my dirt amps clean channel in with my clean amp for a stereo signal.with most of the clean amp effects i am fine running mono,in fact when playing with a band live i think alot of the stereo stuff gets lost anyways.the dimensional stuff really does sound better in stereo.3d glasses go on both eyes.....same with ears

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i used to have a DC-2. i agree that it is an acquired taste and really has its own sound. I found it to be too Hi-Fi sounding. Not to say that it is digital sounding. I would say it is one of the most professional sounding analog chorus. It wasnt for me, so I traded it for a Fuzz Factory. I have never looked back.

it has its uses, i would say it is really suited for The Cure, and Cocteau Twins, really nice high freq sheen to it.

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