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Noise gates and suppressors


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I'm trying to pick out a noise gate or suppressor seeing as my NS-2 doesn't seem to be cutting it. I still get get loads of hiss and feedback even when the gate is on.


I use: 5150 212 -> Maxon OD808 -> Boss NS2 -> Boss TU2 -> LTD EX-400 w/EMG's


So using that setup, should I change the arrangement of the pedals?

Should the NS-2 be replaced?

Does my daisy chain affect this?


Sorry for all the questions, but I'm kinda new to this, haha.


And thanks in advance!

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welcome! :wave:

by the way, try the following and see if it makes any difference;
1. od after ns-2:
i.e. guitar > od808 > ns-2 > amp
2. od in the loop of ns-2:
i.e. guitar > ns-2 (send) > od808 > ns-2 (return) > amp

i guess the overdrive pedal is likely to be the main source of the feedback/hiss you mentioned above, but it could've been something else. try to connect your guitar directly to the amp, and see if you getting the same amount of noise as with pedals.

i used to own ns-2 a few months ago, but i sold it partly because it did not recognise hiss/noise coming out of my muff, placed before it, without setting the threshold too high which normally results in tone/treble loss. perhaps it was just mine, but it might be your case too.

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I appreciate the helps guys.

I'm gonna try the NS-2 in front of the 808, hopefully it doesn't take away the tone I'm getting now, and I'll look into removing that daisy chain too.

I was reading reviews on the ISP Decimator, it seems like it {censored}ing rules, so I need to check one of them out too!

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