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Reara AC outlet on PP2+


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The accessory outlet is just a mains voltage output. Basically, it's the same as if you'd hook up the PP2+ and whammy adapter to an outlet strip. The only difference is that the acc outlet is limited to 200w (not enough for an amp, but plenty for one or a few pedal adapters).



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Thanks for the reponses, does anyone know where I could get a suitable cable? The connection on the PP2+ is unusual.


I emailed voodoo labs and they confirmed that this is possible although their cables page says:


"(Please note that the Digitech Whammy can only be powered by this

cable and a Pedal Power AC. The Pedal Power 2 Plus is DC only and will

NOT power a Whammy regardless of what cable you use with it!)"


They must just be talking about the regular outlets, its a little misleading

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