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Newbie needs pedal help


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Hi folks. Although I've been playing for a while, I'm about ready to get serious about it. I need some advice on pedals / effects. I don't want to get too gimmicky on the effects, but need to know what I should consider buying.

1. What do you guys think of the Morely Tremonti PowerWah pedal?

2. What others should I consider?

3. Should I look for more than phase shifting in a pedal (that is what a WahWah pedal is, right?)

4. I have a Guild Bluesbird P90 and a PRS Tremonti Tribal. What kinds of amps should I consider?

I sincerely appreciate any and all informed observations from you seasoned players. I need all the guidance I can get. I know a lot depends on what style I intend to play, but I want to get versatile equipment that can change sounds as my talent grows.


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