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Sans teh bass Player

Seth Bean

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Im moving to bloomington indiana to continue playing music wiht my drummer and good freind david....who moved there for school.....and my bass player is probably not gonna go with us....so im looking for some general tips on how to make songs bigger through the use of gear...im going to be runnign many amps hopefully so thats one thing i think will help....but im just looking for some other things....but we play very shoegazey punk nowavish...textural music...so i need to be BIG lol

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well like..idk..i don't htink i want a bass plaer....and the drummer...is a very powerful drummer...and ver loud....so i think like...itll be fine if i take normal solos...just have to make them big...adn boomy...but it works out because we have a big boomy..but empty sound..that is really appealing to me

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Get an eq to boost the heck out of bass and low mids, it'll make your guitar sound HUGE. Sounds like crap with a bass player but you don't need to worry about that.



Well like im a pretty bassy guitar player...and i amy be playing through a bass amp or twol...anb i use a muff...

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im doing a project right now w/ no bass. its just me on guitar and 2 drummers. i run stereo through an Ampeg SVT450 bass head with 6x10 ampeg classic bass cab and also a crappy, old 65 watt tube amp. i use jazz strings 56-13, that also helps add to the fat tone. also, alot of fuzz helps. i also use different tunings. i like it, i lends room for alot of experimentation from the guitarists point of view.

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