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George L help


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I've been using them for years and without problem. But my other guitarist just got them and is trying to make them and he can't get a connection. I tried his as well and it seems to be an issue with the cable. It seems like his cable just doesn't fit well into the jacks. My cable works fine with his jacks.


Anyone ever had this issue?

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Is George L just repackaged Belden cable?

I used Belden in the 80s (I should say "acquired" because I still have some of em -- the others got lost/borrowed can't say I've had notable failures)
and haven't had that problem

but even if it is repackaged Belden , the specs may have (probably have?) changed over the past 20+years

and it's just one datapoint

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Maybe this is glaringly obvious, but is the cable the same size? They make a .155 cable and a .225 cable.




I thought maybe, but unless the size difference is not noticeabe by the human eye, but enough of a difference for it not to fit, then that's not the problem.


Also, i tried various cutting devices. idunno, maybe it's just a legnth of cable that got warped somehow???

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