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New Teese wahs - max 200mA - why?


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NO power supply which exceeds 200mA output should be used with "new-generation" RMC wahs. This is not limited to any particular brand or style.


Because he had a problem with the FFT part of the circuit getting fried,not the actual wah circuit. Problem has been resolved but as a( precaution )the warning still stands..Bravo to Geoffrey for giving a {censored}..:thu:

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Because he had a problem with the FFT part of the circuit getting fried,not the actual wah circuit. Problem has been resolved but as a( precaution )the warning still stands..Bravo to Geoffrey for giving a {censored}..

I have Cioks capable of delivering 600 mA, but the thing is: pedals are supposed to DRAW current - the power supply doesn't just THROW current at pedals.

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I could never understand that either. What if you bought a toaster that demanded your home power not exceed 20amps capacity. That's the stupidest thing I ever saw.


Sounds like he's trying to make you buy a power supply to act as a fuse, instead of putting one in his circuit. Not only that, but there is nothing to stop a PS maker from stamping 200ma on a 1amp supply, since the rating is the guaranteed min capability not the guaranteed max. Like BOT mentioned, he apparently had a faulty design. Not sure why anyone gets kudos for this as the requirement is an ominous sign.

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OK all you dick heads. Are we all working for Visual Sounds and the original Culprit Onespot?? Even RG Keen acknoledged the possibility of a failure causing a problem..RMC is not the ONLY pedal Builder with Power supply Warnings..Now get back to your {censored}ing drab ass life's..


You're just adorable!

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OK all you dick heads. Are we all working for Visual Sounds and the original Culprit Onespot?? Even RG Keen acknoledged the possibility of a failure causing a problem..RMC is not the ONLY pedal Builder with Power supply Warnings..Now get back to your {censored}ing drab ass life's..


Urinate Forever is posting under a different screen name now.

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Urinate Forever is posting under a different screen name now.

What are you the forum police??:rolleyes: Might want to get Brother Phil right on that big guy.

I really hate when folks post technical facts that are not relevant to the issue. It is a poor form of Penis Extension.

I meant no harm to anyone with my post. Just as I am sure their ignorant ass remarks were not meant to cause a fuss either.:wave:

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I don't recall the foxrox version having this issue....isn't fox involved to some degree with gt's take on it? Curious.


Man there was a thread 5 miles long on TGP about it several months ago. It is the same as the Foxrox with some minor tweaks. Geoffrey had a hand full of wahs sent in that the Onespot had fried a component on the FFT circuit. {censored} happens. VS sent RMC a few Onespots for testing and to date no more failures.

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Geoffrey had a hand full of wahs sent in that the Onespot had fried a component on the FFT circuit. {censored} happens.




HMMM..missed the thread at GP. Good thing about GT is his customer service....nobody better in the biz (a couple like RK are just as good but nobody surpasses him).


Doesn't effect me anyways cuz I am not getting rid of my original picture wah.


fly...you shouldn't be knocking RMC for service related things unless you have personal experience with them.

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HMMM..missed the thread at GP. Good thing about GT is his customer service....nobody better in the biz (a couple like RK are just as good but nobody surpasses him).

Doesn't effect me anyways cuz I am not getting rid of my original picture wah.

fly...you shouldn't be knocking RMC for service related things unless you have personal experience with them.


I thought I posted a simple explanation to the original poster...Then the bashers showed their true colors..JUst another example of why Teese,Analogman,Foxrox,Fuller,Keeley hardly ever post here anymore..There are still plenty of Good folks here. Fly dude probably has ZERO Bench time building much less designing wah pedals..Self destruct my ass. Name me one Builder that hasn't has a revision to their circuit after input from the Field.

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Fly dude probably has ZERO Bench time building much less designing wah pedals..Self destruct my ass. Name me one Builder that hasn't has a revision to their circuit after input from the Field.

That I don't build wah pedals is a good bet. But I know enough about electronics to know that asking people not to use a PS rated above a certain amount is very unusual and makes little sense on the surface. As I said, if there is a problem using a higher rated PS then buying one rated lower is not going to guarantee it will be actually lower. It's an indicator of a design flaw. If anyone thinks that they're helping a company by insulting people in their defense, then they got rocks in their head.


I can sympathize with small companies that build electronic devices because I work in one. And I guarantee that updates to fix design issues are common. This sort of issue is not complex and is not much more than basic electronic design involving regulation.


You guys shouldn't get your panties in a wad because it's a legitimate complaint if people's pedals are fried using a correct voltage supply. I really doubt that the current capability is an issue. Most likely he's depending on current draw to pull down the voltage on loosely regulated wall warts.

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Oh and BTW, I designed a ISA bus sound card for the IBM PC back in the 80's before there were sound blasters. It's not my regular job, which is programming digital designs but it gets me above zero on the bench.

:wave: The technical end of the issue is beyond me and took R.G. Keen several paragraphs to explain. Best part of R.G. Post was letting Teese off the hook as being at fault.There is something different about the VS1spot and when it fails it fried the component..I Just play Guitar;) Peace.

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You guys shouldn't get your panties in a wad because it's a legitimate complaint if people's pedals are fried using a correct voltage supply.




no bunched panties here...just saying that G Teese is the man when it comes to standing behind his products; any problems are taken care of promptly with a smile; queries are answered at ridiculously fast intervals; his products are generally bullet proof quality.

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no bunched panties here...just saying that G Teese is the man when it comes to standing behind his products; any problems are taken care of promptly with a smile; queries are answered at ridiculously fast intervals; his products are generally bullet proof quality.

If you want to defend a company and it's products. This is the way to do it.:thu:

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If you want to defend a company and it's products. This is the way to do it.

:poke: Ya know if I could have (Technically) answered the question they still would have not understood.I know I didn't when I read it.

This is the {censored} that pissed me off.I guess I had my Troll sensitivity turned off..And your post echoed posts from a guy on TGP that caused the original thread to get deleted and him to get banned..No way you could be that guy because you didn't post 5 paragraphs of {censored} only an MIT Grad would understand. ;)

"Agreed I don't think he deserves any praise for it, but as a warning to his customers it's the minimally decent thing to do. I wonder if he has some kind of oscillation going on that is causing it to draw out-of-control?"

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