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DD-3 VS DD-6


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I have a Boss DD-6 and I need to know if I should sell it for a DD-3 or keep it. I don't like the Tap feature because I have to press for 2 secs. I never used the reverse or warp function because I find it useless.


I want to sell my DD-6 to my friend at the price of DD-3 to get one.


Is it a good or bad idea ?:poke:

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It's a good idea, but you can get more money unless you really like your friend. They go for $110-125 used, whereas DD-3's go for $75.


The dd-3 definitely sounds a bit classier, in my opinion... definitely not analog sounding (although I'm going to do the Monte Allums mod to add a low-cut switch which will make it more analog sounding), but the stock DD-3 sounds less harsh than the DD-6 to my ears. If you never use the warp/reverse/tap, then you could trade in the DD-6 for a DD-3 plus something else you've been wanting, although keep in mind that the DD-3 has a lower max delay time (only 800ms I believe)

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I know I'm loosing money in this trade. DD-6 goes for 165$ stock and DD-3 140$ stock. My DD-6 is one year old and he would buy the DD-3 new and simply trade it with the DD-6.

I never used very long delay either. Always on 800ms mode. And I'm up to mod the DD-3 if I want to.

In this trade I'm looking to get a simple and great sounding delay. I prefer using knobs to set my delay times and always get the same settings instead of not-so-precise-tap tempo.

DD-5 is certainly the best choice but it goes for 250$ and I want to buy a DMM so I can afford a DD-5.


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