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What goes into the loop and other noob questions.


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I have always been the "straight to amp" guy, never really liked pedals, except a wah on occasion, but this has changed some time lately (The Van Halen+EJ+Satriani influence), and now I also have a Phase 90 here, and a Memory Man and POG on their way. I currently have no idea in what order and where to arrange them. I came here wandering a few things-


What is the purpose of the effects loop?


What goes in the loop?


Whats the best way to organize my pedals (Wah, Phaser, Memory Man, POG) for best results?



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Whats the best way to organize my pedals (Wah, Phaser, Memory Man, POG) for best results?




Experiment is the best way see what you like, but there are some general rules people follow you can read it here: http://www.robertkeeley.com/faq.php as a guide, and there is a site somewhere that will show you the layout of famous artists if you want to go that way.

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If you're going to continue going straight into the amp I would go POG > Wah > Phase > MM

The effects loop allows you to insert effects between your amp's preamp section and power amp section. As a rule of thumb, this is where you want to place time-based effects (in your case, you may want to try the MM there). Alot of it is just about experimenting, so just try some different orders and see what works best for you.

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