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need help fixing a digitech whammy

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i have a whammy( the red reissue) and the treadle is loose. this greatly affects its sweep and also calibration is a bitch because it wont stay all the way up(heel down), it wobbles a little bit so it a bitch to calibrate. i tried tightening those little bolts but i didn't have the right tools. is that the only way to tighten it or is there something like on the inside somewhere?

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Pretty much the only way to do it is the bolts on the side. Getting it open is tricky... but you don't need to open it to fix this problem. Just get two 7/16 sockets and tighten it down. You'll need to use a socket extension for the nut on the switch side of the pedal.


To open it...It's very easy but you have to be gentle.


Take off all the top Allen screws, and the tiny screws holding the midi jack in place. Once those are off, place it on a table face down so the midi and in jacks are on your left hand side. Then, try and slide the back cover to the right, be very gentle, and use your fingers to gently move around the jacks if need be. Should open right up.


There's no real point to opening it up though.... not much to see. But if it's just for curiosity, go for it.

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hmmm i thought i tried tightening those bolts before and it didnt seem to fix it...i will try again. so theres nothing on the inside that you can tighten?



there doesnt need to be... those bolts are what's loose if the treadle is loose...

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