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Vox Valvetronix users


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I know it's not an AMP forum but hey! come to love posting here so....


Not too long ago i asked about a pedal friendly SS amp, some suggested a hybrid like VOX's Valvetronix, Tech 21's Trademark and Fender Roc Pro's. I narrowed it down to VOx cause it has 60w,50w and 30w combo I could haul around, and easy on the budget (planning to get used one).



Here's the ???? How long does the preamp tube lasts? can it be changed or a tech has to do it?


I also seen the Epiphone Valve for sale (i think it's a 30w) for 159 plus tax. but I lean towards the VOX.


I plan to play with band in a room of about 50+ people (not a bar or noisy) just the band.


Any input on other Pedal Friendly SS amps is greatly appreciated!





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The preamp tube in a valvetronic is being used at such a low voltage, you'd probably damage it more lifting it up and setting it down harshly than you would by keeping the thing on or using it. Essentially the lifespan is indefinite. I also think that you CAN swap out the tube, but doing so has a very small impact on timbre.


Also, when it comes to this amp, it has a power section selection on it, so you can turn down the poqwer, but short of buying a new one, you can't turn up the power. So my suggestion is to get the biggest one you can afford, and scale down on the amp from that. Actually, what I would do is buy the AD50 just because it has a twelve inch speaker, and fifty watts is already hella loud. I also so vox releasing a 2-12 AD50, so I would hop on that if at all possible.


But yeah, you can't go wrong with vox!

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Thanks! I'm having my eye on the AD50 (used) on my local store here for about 250.00 and the other one sells for 259.00 in an almost brand new looking condition.

I'm leaving my SS Carvin 2X12 at the place I'm playing and then haul around the AD50.

but these may hold off for awhile since thanksgiving weekend is here and I wont get paid in 2 days :(

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Just to be pedantic, the valve in the AD15, AD30, AD50 and AD100 amps is run at low voltage, but in the AD60 and AD120 it is run at a healthy high voltage.

Either way, it should last several years, as do preamp tubes in other amps.

Bt it is worth trying different types. It does have a significant effect on the tone.

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