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The troubling part is that it's a completely realistic price, as long as it's all original. I've never seen a black one before, it might be a refin. Plus, it might be a mark II ventures model because of the headstock color, although the pu's look like mk I. Any way you slice it though, I wants.

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Cause you've never played one! They play like hell cause the frets are so tiny, but those mosrite pu's have magic in them like Frosty's hat! I'm getting mine refretted with reasonable sized frets, screw the collector's value, I aint' selling it. Picture a strat pickup, but a whole lot bigger and meaner, that can hold it's own with huge overdrive. It's like a p-90 that has all the output without the midrange taking over. Tough to explain, but man o man does it sound good.


Plus it's the best looking guitar ever built, IMO.





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