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I'm hoping to finally get some real opinions on Dimarzio's stacked single coil humbuckers. The guitar it's for would be a Fender Standard MIM Fat Strat. I want something that will give me a good sound for smooth (not muddy) chords, but for some face-melting solo action.


Some of the ones I was interested in...


Air Norton S


Virtual Vintage Solo Pro

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i really like the virtual vintage solo in the demos, been meaning to get one myself.

i imagine they would be high quality excellent sounding pups as all my dimarzios are.

i have a single coil size super distortion, regular super distortion, and a PAF.

the single size s,dist is better than the regular imo,sounds nicer,clearer and doesnt even sound like a humbucker imo.


cant tell you any specifics about the ones you want tho,but i doubt youd find a better pup.



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i really like the virtual vintage solo in the demos, been meaning to get one myself.

i imagine they would be high quality excellent sounding pups as all my dimarzios are.

i have a single coil size super distortion, regular super distortion, and a PAF.

the single size s,dist is better than the regular imo,sounds nicer,clearer and doesnt even sound like a humbucker imo.

cant tell you any specifics about the ones you want tho,but i doubt youd find a better pup.


Sounds better than the full version? How so?


I was maybe considering getting an SSS strat, throwing in a Super Distortion/Chopper in the bridge and a Chopper/Air Norton S in the neck.

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nuh,i recently got a new Inet service and i cant upload {censored} or dl too much either,my new connection sucks bigtime cock!

only time i can do it is at the end of the month if i have some band width left over before it clocks over to teh new month.

im limited to 1Gig p/month, i had a 15Gigs p/moth service last week!

all cause i moved house and have to use wireless {censored}ing broadband!


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Damn, 1gb? I would die haha.


Well anyway, now im in a bit of a rut. I now have three options, and two of those have options within them!


1 - Buy an Ibanez AS80 for $550 off gbase

2 - Buy an MIM Fat Strat and put in a new bridge/neck pickup

3- Buy an MIM SSS Strat and put in a new bridge/neck pickup


God dammit :(

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have you used the dimarzio pup picker? gives you a fair idea of what ya need, its not the final word obviously.

Yeah i've used it a bunch, but I feel that it's not too accurate. I never see the Air Zone, Norton, and a lot of other pickups when choosing. It's always Air Norton, Super Distortion, Tone Zone, Evos, ect.

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