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Frostwave Resonator (redux)


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OK, so, I've collected together some bits to make the CV inputs of the Resonator boogie, and finally, it all sounds amazing!


You'll see, pictured, a Doepfer mini-case with an envelope follower module installed. In the mail, I have an LFO to put in there too, but the envelope follower is the most fun.


Also, today I built that little plastic box in the photo, which is simply two 10K potentiometers and four jacks, wired up so I have both a linear and an exponential volume control. That way I can set the peaks of the CV and the audio from the envelope follower.


I really have to get a decent mic so I can share the insane sounds - I tried recording it with my webcam mic but it distorts horribly (I think the top end of the Resonator scares it a little).


Anyway, just wanted to share the almost-finished project. When the LFO shows up, I'll be done. Unless I get a ADSR envelope generator too... Hmmm! :love:



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Thanks for the tip, yeah, I read somewhere that a "Y" cable (or any permutation) can be used for bumping any of the four CV inputs simultaneously.


When the LFO shows, I'm going to try having it move the HF or LF, whilst the envelope follower hits the other. Wheeeee!!!

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as long as you remember that an ADSR need to be triggered by a gate signal, you'll be ok.


I love that little Doepfer box.

The world of modular stuff is deep. :poke:


I think the envelope follower has a gate output - I'm assuming that's the thing I want?


Modular is fun! :D


And yes, that little Doepfer box is terrific if you just need a tiny bit of modular functionality.

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I wouldn't really bother with a full ADSR EG if you are triggering it with something like guitar


unlike a switch from a keyboard controller, etc - the guitar naturally decays (so the gate becomes sort of a victim of the plucked nature of the guitar) and it tends to make the DS components not-all-that-useful...simple AR EGs or EFs where you can tweak the AR rates are a better fit I find

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