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Are these digital or analog ?


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Wich pedals actually have a complete analog circuitery ?


- Dano Peperoni Phaser ? This pedal actually sounds good if you tweek the internal trim pot all the way to the left, makes it more subtle and lush than in it's stock form. But is it analog ?


- Behringer VD1 ? This "vintage Distortion" sounds good to my hear, except for the built in noise gate that kills the decay...is it analog ? Maybe analog distortion with a digital noise gate ?


- Digitech Bad Monkey ? This one is on my board..I love it. I've heard it's analog, but the "amp" output has some kind of speaker simulator, is this also analog ?


- Dano Tuna Melt Tremolo ?


- Behringer VP1 Vintage Phaser ?


Thanks !

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analog, all of 'em.

the digitech spkr sim can be done analog-ly a la sans-amp. basically a tone circuit.

not sure about a built-in noise gate on a copy of a muff that was shooting for lowest price point. not that it goes against behr's usual MO, but it sorta goes against behr's usual MO.

its certainly possible to get that decay-killing thing all while staying analog; see devi ever's line.

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Thanks ;)

Except for the Monkey wich is always on my board, I have those pedals lying around useless. I tought i'd put them in line for a spin on my next rehersal. And I have been looking for a good phaser for a while, and I had those 2 right under my nose the whole time...and they are really not that bad...:thu:

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...and they are really not that bad...

Yes, but if you are HERE than you are probably not looking for something that's "really not that bad"

You want that perfect tone...

Unless, of course, you don't have to spend the money, which you don't! :cop:

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Yes, but if you are HERE than you are probably not looking for something that's "really not that bad"

You want that perfect tone...

Unless, of course, you don't have to spend the money, which you don't!


I'll put them on the board, see if I find any regular use for them, and if I do, I'll allow myself to hunt down the bestest phasor there is !!!....if such a thing exist...

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