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To me "society" is a scapegoat used to take blame off themselves. Whether you're a parent or the person in question. People use it to distance themselves from personal responsibility.

More often than not people see {censored}ty stuff everyday and are not compelled to hurt others because of it.

Look, it's more complicated than what I implied. See, kids need guidance. Guidance requires time, patience, attention, etc, etc... Kids are raising themselves today, in case you haven't noticed. They have no guidance in a world that is getting more complicated, depressing, and negative. I have a crazy prediction: More and more kids are going to shoot up places and then kill themselves. :idea: Let's just watch and see, gun control won't change this. The change required would mean cash would be lost, bottom lines would be compromised, your stocks wouldn't grow at the rate you require, etc, etc... Therefore, no change for you.

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yea, but same end result, he did off himself at the end.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
My point was it's a lot easy to use a gun. There is no thinking involve really. You just point and shoot, just like in games.

I respect people owning a gun, but we can't make it easy for people to get their hands on one. In the Virginia tech shooting that korean dude just walk into a store and bought a gun. Of course we know what happened...

Do you know how many people get killed by guns?
in 2004, 31 people per day is intentionally shot by someone. That's more than 1 dead person every hour...

in canada, every other day, someone is murdered by a gun.

The odds of someone stabbing you to death is much much less. I don't think people really think about blowing another person up. It's just not the preferred method.

Look at this graph. We need better gun control..


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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

My point was it's a lot easy to use a gun. There is no thinking involve really. You just point and shoot, just like in games.

I respect people owning a gun, but we can't make it easy for people to get their hands on one. In the Virginia tech shooting that korean dude just walk into a store and bought a gun. Of course we know what happened...

Do you know how many people get killed by guns?

in 2004, 31 people per day is intentionally shot by someone. That's more than 1 dead person every hour...

in canada,
every other day
, someone is murdered by a gun.

of someone stabbing you to death is much much less. I don't think people really think about blowing another person up. It's just not the preferred method.

Look at this graph. We need better gun control..


Most of those murders are gang-related. The guns involved we have no control over, you know?

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Look, it's more complicated than what I implied. See, kids need guidance. Guidance requires time, patience, attention, etc, etc... Kids are raising themselves today, in case you haven't noticed.



I agree. That's why I don't like when people blame society as if they aren't a part of that very society they speak of. Especially parents. Part of their responsibility is to raise them and look out for anything that may be upsetting their kids. Doing the whole "Marilyn Manson" blame game is getting old.

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Most of those murders are gang-related. The guns involved we have no control over, you know?



i don't know what the particular ratios are, gang or not. But really you are trying to rationalize this because our forefathers said we have the right to own guns. It's not hard to conclude that better gun control would curb the numbers, even if it's a little.

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i don't know what the particular ratios are, gang or not. But really you are trying to rationalize this because our forefathers said we have the right to own guns. It's not hard to conclude that better gun control would curb the numbers, even if it's a little.

Did you make that looper comparison? Very nice. :love:

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The graph doesn't really account for one large factor FireInCairo was touching upon. Society is what it is because of culture. Most of the countries on the graph are European -- what are the different societal and cultural norms between the US and Europe? It's naive to think gun control is the sole problem, but then again, I haven't met someone who only blames gun control. It plays a part in a multi-faceted issue that is often difficult to address. Traditional scapegoats are some of society's vehicles: movies, internet, video games. Problems in the US are more deeply rooted in more than those things.

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it's interesting that just last night on the news here they were covering a story from last year where over 100 guns were stolen from a store here in omaha, so really gun control or not, {censored} happens.

with all do respect, with this kind of apathy, we'll never change and people will continue to get killed needlessly because no one gives a {censored}.

son: dad you shouldn't smoke, it causes lung cancer
dad: nah that's bull{censored}, show me some data

son: dad really smoking causes cancer. Look at these numbers. Lung cancer is the number 1 cause of death in men and women and these people most of them smoked!
dad: some of them smoked and didn't have cancer? We'll it's not happen to me...

son: You really need to stop smoking! dad, smoking is associated with heart disease and causes birth defects.
dad: pftt, what do i care about birth defects, i DON'T have to give birth do i?
son: but dad, second hand smoke.....
dad: your mother didn't have to inhaled did she...?

10 years later...
son: dad, your cough is getting worse and the phlegm is bloody. You should see a doctor.
dad.. blhhlbblhh
son: dad, what's wrong? WAKE UP!>!?!? omg, dad.... 911!

at the hospital...3 hours later.
doctor: son, we did a CAT scan on your dad. He had a massive stroke. He'll live but he's paralyzed on his left side and need a feeding tube. Oh and the CAT scan also show lung cancer. It's too big to take out right now. He needs chemo when he's better.
son:....oh :(

6 month later in a convalescent home..
son: dad, will you stop smoking, it's going to kill you...
dad: pfft, smoke won't kill me, heart disease will. Now hand me that oxygen.

and this is why you should open your eyes. I can probably spend hours showing you facts, but you'll probably going keep making excuses, so any intelligent conversation is pretty much too much work.

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