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Expression Pedals


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Who knows which ones are good, and which ones are bad? I've used the Roland EV-5 (?), and promptly returned it to Guitar Center because it was a piece of crap. It had a *major* dead spot and the heel end, as well as 2 or 3 other small ones between the heel-down and toe-down positions. Not to mention that the build quality is totally off for something of that price... Everything about this pedal seemed to be exactly on par with the M-Audio exp. pedal, only that pedal is half the price of the Roland.


When I asked the guys at GC -- and I did ask several of them -- about any better options, all I got was a bunch of blank stares.


Simply put, I am looking for a well-built expression pedal that has a very minimal amount of "dead" area in its sweep, if any at all. I don't need something that will control volume or anything of the like. So which brands / products should I be focusing my attention towards?

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i picked up a Rolls RFX Expression pedal on the bay for cheap. Works good. Solid build, works as an EXP, volume, or panner, small footprint. Has a few options for the Expression (in or out) so it is more likely to work with whatever you're using it with.


I've had the Roland one, and i didn't like it. PEEP is cool too but useless for anything that doesn't need to be reset to 0 or 100%.

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