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Video in Cubase SX2

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ive imported an mpg file into cubase sx2. i have to create a musical score for it along with some sound fx...


in the "device setup" window, under the video player section, if i set the playback method to "direct show video" i cannot hear the audio from the video file. if i set it to "quicktime video" i can hear the audio but there's no way to control the level in the cubase mixer. so that's my first issue:


a) i would like to know how to control the level of the audio from the video file from within cubase


ok so as a workaround, i play it as a "quicktime video file" then record the audio into sound forge, using a rimshot at the first beat so as to easily sync the audio to the video file audio later on when i import the recorded audio file back into cubase


b) the problem is the audio eventually drops out of sync after a certain number of bars, any idea why this is happening?


ideally i would just like a solution for a) but am curious to know the reason for b) i'm sure that knowledge will come in handy later on...

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