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fun size Snickers


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The english language is pretty {censored}ed up, I know.



that's one of a few words that muddle me up.. kept going back and forth between 'lose' and 'loose' when posting.. didn't care in the end.. thanks for correcting... at least i've mastered the apostrophe. and the semicolon. yay me

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that's one of a few words that muddle me up.. kept going back and forth between 'lose' and 'loose' when posting.. didn't care in the end.. thanks for correcting... at least i've mastered the apostrophe. and the semicolon. yay me



Why can't it just be looz? Phonetically.

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Try throwing a King size up in the air and catching it in your mouth. That's the only fun way to eat anything. Also, King size makes you fat faster, which equals less fun in the long run.



Hmm, i've always bitched about things that are labeled"fun sized" but you have made me see the light..

thank you

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