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Powering pedals off one adaptor


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I have this pedal board that has those little leads and plugs (3.5 mm?) you can power pedals off. I plug one adaptor into the board and up to six pedals run off the board. I bought a decent adaptor, a big fat regulated one with 600 ma output, enough for all my pedals. The thing is though, the plugs on the pedal board are a bit dodgy (break regularly), and I need a better solution. I was going to buy a Godlyke PA9 (still might), but then I thought, why not just daisy chain the pedals form my current adaptor? It can handle the draw.


But it doesn't work. I don't get it, the adaptor is good enough to power the board with no problems, but I can't even daisy chain one single pedal to it. I put the female end of the daisy chain into the adaptor, and one of the plugs (the first one in the chain) into a pedal, and, nothing at all. Dead as a dodo.


Maybe your daisy chain is broken you say? Well, this is where it gets even weirder. If I take one of the leads from my pedal board, one that's coming off the board as it's being powered by that same adaptor, I can hook the daisy chain up to that lead and then into a pedal, and it works. It's not enough current to power up multiple pedals without sag issues, but it works, where as if I try to run the daisy chain straight off the adaptor, I get nothing.


This adaptor is not made especially for my board, it's just a high quality effects pedal adaptor I bought from a music shop. I'm scrathcing my head, I just don't get why daisy chaining pedals straight from my adaptor doesn't work. The end of the adaptor is surely the same as the end of the pedal board plugs because both plug into the pedals fine, and the adaptor has no problems just going straight into a single pedal and powering it. Any thoughts?

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That's weird... what kind of adapter (output voltage, plug polarity, plug type) is it? And what kind of daisy chain do you have? If the plugs on both are the center negative 2.1mm barrel type, there's no reason why it shouldn't work.


One thing I don't get is this bit:



It's not enough current to power up multiple pedals without sag issues, but it works, where as if I try to run the daisy chain straight off the adaptor, I get nothing.

Why would there be sag issues, if you're using the big 600mA adapter? It sounds to me like something's not right with the adapter.



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Hmm, well I just thought that each little lead on my pedal board probably wasn't varrying enough current for multiple pedals. But it's quite probable that I don't know what I'm talking about! I really don't think there's anything wrong with the adaptor, it powers the pedal board fine. The adaptor is 9v, 600 ma output, centre negative, the same plug type as a boss.

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