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The Perfect Combo?

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I also liked the new main piano a lot... better than on the S90ES



Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree completely. The XS piano (default out of the box setup) SUCKS BIG TIME compared to the S90ES. It sounds like it was recorded with a big blanket over the piano and the mic in the back of the studio. Are you sure it was a true A B comparison? You weren't demoing through the common crapy mono amp setup at GC were you?

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I was just looking on your site, listening to your work, and i noticed that you seemed extremely focused on
how you do it
rather than
what you're doing.
Musicians NEED limitations. We need it to create, as it helps to narrow our focus. Perhaps a large part of your setup is used in other aspects of your life, like work and performing, but if that's the case you should understand what I mean when I talk about limitations.


OMG - ADSR - The return - Ugh!



I dont need limitations - Im usually the limitation and I really dont *NEED* that either :)

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Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree completely. The XS piano (default out of the box setup) SUCKS BIG TIME compared to the S90ES. It sounds like it was recorded with a big blanket over the piano and the mic in the back of the studio. Are you sure it was a true A B comparison? You weren't demoing through the common crapy mono amp setup at GC were you?

__________________No but it wasn't under the best of circumstances. I had to use headphones and there was still a lot of racket. You have had way more time to spend with these two pianos, and I do definitely respect your opinion on the merits of them.

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Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree completely. The XS piano (default out of the box setup) SUCKS BIG TIME compared to the S90ES. It sounds like it was recorded with a big blanket over the piano and the mic in the back of the studio. Are you sure it was a true A B comparison? You weren't demoing through the common crapy mono amp setup at GC were you?

__________________No but it wasn't under the best of circumstances. I had to use headphones and there was still a lot of racket. You have had way more time to spend with these two pianos, and I do definitely respect your opinion on the merits of them.



This is an interesting point. I was just looking around on Motifator.com and there was a large thread where someone called the XS piano Foggy (exactly what I noticed), but then it seems in that thread that some are saying with some EQ adjusting on the board it becomes much much better. I wonder if the XS you demoed had some EQ tweaking on the preset. I'm going to have to EQ the XS piano sound and see if I notice an improvement.

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But you still cannot hold a sound while making a program change. And this time there's no workaround like on the ES. This is like so last century. But actually Rolands could do this last century. So I'll just call it retarded.



They are planning an OS update to address this. Here is a quote from a yamaha guy in another thread:


"On the ES you could get around this issue by going to Pattern and Song Mix and there you could set up several sounds and switch from one Voice to the next with no cutoff adn even sustaining sound held down on the keyboard.


The XS is a completely new and different system than ES and currently in Mix Mode the sound does cutoff when switching between Parts, but we have put that on the list for some OS updates that are planned in the future."

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Absolutely the worst Leslie sim of the Big Three. I think it's even worse than the ones on the ES. After checking it out to see if I could customize it a bit, I noticed that there are far fewer parameters on the XS to adjust, so it has been changed. Maybe not for the better. I'm a former B3 player so I'm a bit picky, even if it's just a rompler.

....But you still cannot hold a sound while making a program change. And this time there's no workaround like on the ES.


It's a shame the ES and XS get criticized for their leslie sim. Those boards have the ability to sound much better than the competition in that area.


Sound changes without abrupt cutoffs can currently be done using the Assignable Function buttons within a single voice (which can have up to 8 layers by itself). An upcoming article at Motifator.com should offer details about this. Personally, I would love to see the number buttons function as zone mute buttons in Performance or Master modes. They "sort of" do in Performance mode already; you can enable layers seamlessly, but disabling them cuts the sound off abruptly.

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Guest Anonymous

Can't wait until the XS Rack comes out. My ES Rack will stay "racked" until then.




XS over the M3!!!


Good call if I say so myself.



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