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effects setup


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Ok so I have been working lately and have managed to buy myself a more than decent new Fender American Standard Stratocaster (HSS) and a Fender Hot Rod DeVille amp (2x12). They both complement each other perfectly, producing that clear tone that i have always been looking for. Then amp is also very pedal friendly. Then i received a free used Morley Bad Horsie 2 wah from a friend, along with a Boss me-6 multi effect box (which is pretty old, and the distortion sucks on it, but the delay, chorus, compressor, and reverb are pretty damn good. Then i bought an Electro Harmonix Little Big Muff Pie (gotta love the fuzz), and finally a Boss ds2 turbo distortion pedal. Oh and a complete set of live wire elite gold tipped cables that keep the tone alive.


Now here come the questions...

1. Should i put the Boss me-6 first or last? (first being closer to my guitar and last being closer to the amp).

2. Should the Big Muff and the Ds2 be before or after the wah?

3. Should the Ds2 be before or after the Big Muff?


I want the get a sweet tone out of the Ds2 and have it blend out nicely with the wah.


Any setup recommendations?

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haha your right....


ok so i ended up setting it up like this...


Guitar>big muff>ds2>wah>me-6... i put the wah after so that it really wah's the distortion... when it's before the distortion i doesn't seem to have that much of a wahing effect on the distortion...thx for the help...

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