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Effects ans pedals to add to my setup!

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I am pretty new to the effect thing! But since I bought my Line 6 toneport UX 2 and my pod I would like to bring some to my band practice and live shows.


I have a Single Rectifier + Mesa 4x12 slant cab and I was looking at those, I would like your input on those effects and waht they could bring to my sound. I play 95% with distortion and maybe a 5% with clean + sometimes ska or reaggea (have a metal band an a punk rock band).



Boss CS-3: Compression Sustainer: A pedal for increasing sustain and level without increasing distortion. Does it really works well?


Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor: Eliminates noise without altering tone. Can also power other pedals. Should I add this only if I'm adding lots of pedals?


Boss DS-1: Distortion: Classic Distortion. To get a AC/DC - Airbourne sound from my clean channel or should I go with the Fulltone OCD?


Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner. or Rackmounted Korg!?



And maybe a chorus and reverb later...


Any of you are adding pedals in front of their Mesa Rectifiers!?




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boss cs3-works ok, but i would suggest an mxr dyna comp instead. in my experience it works better.

boss ns2-i think this is sort of unnecessary at this point in your pedal buying career. I would leave this out for a little bit.

boss ds1-i think this pedal is sort of crappy stock, but theres tons of options to mod it. I would suggest geting the ds1 used for about $25, then seeing how you want to mod it. you can get a pedal tailored to your tastes for about $80 with significant mods. This is still cheaper than an OCD.

Dont get the boss tuner. Get the planet waves one. its true bypass, and wont suck tone. im not sure if the korg one is TB, but if it is, get that one or the planet waves one.

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