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Effects Loop Help

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Hi, i posted this in the pedal board section earlier, but i'd like to get as many opinions as possible (so plz dont hate me for starting a thread!!)


ive had a search around and i can't find the info i'm looking for ....


ok, so here's my pedals (or at least soon to be pedals)




I have a Marshall AVT 100 which has a parallel effects loop. thing is though i don't know how to setup my pedals for what i want them to do!! :confused:


i want the noise supressor to cut out all nasty excess hum and noise et cetera so i'm assuming that should go in the loop ?

i want the EQ for volume boost for solos, obviously chorus then delay go in the loop also, but then i want my Tuner to be setup to mute everything....


any ideas :freak:

i've been wracking my brain all week on how to do this and no luck :( !!

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You can keep your tuner out front, it's still going to mute the guitar signal so nothing goes into the amp. So you're fine.


Delays through the loop, chorus if you must though I prefer it out front. EQ in the loop if you want a volume boost for your solos. NS-2 has two loops in it so you can run the send and return through your loop and your chain through the in and out. Everything else is pretty straightforward.

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If the AVT loop is parallel only, then you need to put the NS-2 before the amp. If you put it in the loop it won't do anything about the noise in the signal sent directly to the power amp.


So in the loop I'd put EQ first (to shape the preamp distortion) and then chorus and delays. You'll have to mess around with levels of the loop (and effects in it) to get a good balance with the direct signal going straight to the power amp.


Also bear in mind that because the CE5 and DD6 are entirely digital, and so the dry signal passing through them goes through AD/DA converters, you run the risk of the true dry signal (provided by the parallel loop) and the effected dry signal being out of phase which can be detrimental to your final tone. Using an analog chorus such as the Small Clone and a delay with a true analog dry path (like the DD-3 or the Marshall Echohead) would be preferable to prevent the possibility.

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