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Not New Niggaz With Attitude Day, I'm afraid.


New non-working amp day... :cry:

I received my new Valvetrain 205 TB combo today. I was obviously ecstatic, until I tried turning it on. When I flip the power switch, nothing happens, the pilot light doesn't even go on, and the tubes don't light up. It's completely dead.


What could be the reason? How can I fix it? I hope it's only a fuse or something, because I don't really wanna go through the hassle of returning it or filing an insurance claim or whatever. I just want my new amp to work. :mad:


I've contacted the seller of course, right now I'm just looking for troubleshooting suggestions.



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Does anyone know how to check if a fuse is blown? The fuse in question is a Slo-Blo 250V 500 mA. It's made of some ceramic material, not glass, so it's kinda difficult to see what's going on inside.

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if the fuse has two metal ends, do this:


plug a cable into a known-working guitar amp. any old practice amp will do.


turn the amp on, touch the tip end of the jack while holding the non-metal part of the cable. you'll hear a 'bzzzt'


grab the fuse by one metal end, and touch the other metal end to the tip of the cable. if you hear a 'bzzzzt' the fuse is good; nothing, bad.

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I went and bought a new fuse, but it still won't work. :(

I've been in contact with both the seller and Rick at Valvetrain, who is very helpful. I'm sure it'll work out, but it really sucks having a new amp and being unable to play it. At least it looks pretty. :thu:

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