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MFB Filterbox vs Frostwave Resonator

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hey, i'm after a frostwave resonator is anyone has one for sale?

i'm in the uk, but will happily pay for shipping from anywhere else.


but, as they don't seem to be available in europe (only directly from australia, or from bigcitymusic in the US - both of which are charging too much for postage/fees), i've also been looking at the MFB filterbox. does anyone have any experience with this?


how warm does it sound?

i'm looking for something really big sounding, specifically for guitar, which i know the frostwave is capable of, but does the filterbox come anywhere near this? even though its only a low pass, not lp and hp as the frostwave.


i used to own a sherman filterbank2 but sold it because of the way it intentionally desimates/bitcrushes everything, losing whatever harmonics.

i make noise/drone music, so you'd of thought i'd dig the filterbank, but i want the option of distortion not be forced into it.


so question, resonator of filterbox?

(and does anyone have a resonator for sale?)






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