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Starting pedal board


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I'm finally getting into effects after many years of only wanting an unfettered signal from guitar to amp. I'm looking for the cheapest way to power my pedals simultaneously and the cheapest thing to put my pedals on. i remember seeing something about buying pallettes from IKEA or something before, so more info on that would be wonderful. And I have no idea on power supplies. Basically I need basic pedal board help.

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For powering pedals, look into the 1spot adapter by visual sounds. It can pedal up to eight 9 volt pedals. Some claim it adds noise to their signal, but more haven't had any problems. Depends on your pedals I guess?


Also for a pedal board, it depends whether you want the patch cables to be on top, or tucked below. If you have no problem with it looking messy, just any ol piece of wood with velcro (or you can use the bike chain method: take bike chain links and put them under the screws on the bottom of your pedal, then screw the other side to the pedal board).


If not, the Ikea is a great cheap solution to having a pedaltrainesque board. I forget what they're called, so maybe someone else can chime in here. Something to do with a bed I think? Good luck!

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You can get this if you want. The adapter itself is in the bottom left corner. However, that alone is only enough to power one cable. So, the wire daisy chain on top can be attached to the original adapter to power more pedals. The things shown in the bottom right are various adapter attachments that can be attached to the daisy chain for pedals that don't accept typical BOSS style adapter plugs (ex. the battery clip one is for pedals that don't even have an adapter outlet).


However, most pedals use the typical power source, so I'd buy just the adapter and the daisy chain.




You can always pick up the attachments later on.


Also, this is all available at guitar center.

ALSO, make sure you read how many volts the pedal takes before you try powering it with the 1spot. Most pedals are 9v, but some are 18. Some even take special adapters, but those usually come with one.

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OK, this thread is back from the dead

I just went out and bought the 1spot from GC, I have yet to plug it in. Anyway, I still need a board to mount all of my pedals to, but I don't want to spend very much. I'm looking for a

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