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Indie/Post-Rock Rig--help?

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I'm trying to expand my stage rig for my band to get better tone :)

Here is what I use, please tell me what else I could use, or tell me YOUR personal setup.




Warmoth custom telecaster w/ single coils+gk-3/korg MIDI setup>


going into two amps


MIDI synthesizer=bass amp (peavey tnt)


raw tone=regular amp (Vox AC50 [head]) into avatar 2x12 (tonker/governor speakers)

with a proco rat in front and a behringer DD600 delay, ehx holy grail in the loop.



Now, my MIDI synth is set to play either orchestral or some other funky effect, that said, it's not on 100% of the time.



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haha, well like what else could I add to make even more crazy sounds?


I was thinking of a MIDI controller-controlling.. sounds?

but not from a midi pickup.



if anyone is familiar with minus the bear, the guitarist (live) stomps on something and samples play.


I'm not sure exactly what that is.

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All of his stuff is played on his guitar, he just saves samples on his 4 DL4's


EDIT: The nova wont do anything like what you can do on the RE-20. The nova is just a basic tap tempo digital delay, the RE-20 is a tape echo with reverb, and can self oscillate, and all that cool stuff

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All of his stuff is played on his guitar, he just saves samples on his 4 DL4's


hm, okay, thanks for that information, I'm definitely going to invest in one of them.


or 4 :)



ah, okay well I guess it's the re-20, and a DL-4


or.. ? one or the other. I'm unsure.

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