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Info on a Digitech Valve FX?

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I got this a few years back used at GC for like 50.00... So while doing a thorough cleaning of my excess gear closet I saw it and started thinking now that I have another rig Guitar Rig going why not put it to use for FX? But when I bought it, they didn't have a manual or anything... So I guess I'm wanting to know if anyone knows anything about this rack unit... I want to know if it's possible to bypass the amp settings and just use the effects in it.... Thanks a lot in advance!

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Well I went to the Digi site and see a lot of Manual's but it's only for the newest stuff (IF you go to the Resoure>Manuals from the Home Page) and it's not showing up just the 1101... Any other places I could find it? Or is the 1101 similar enough?


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go to resources click discountinued products click on discountinued file.it's in there but for some reason its not loading to my computer.but you might get it to.my computer is a POS old freakin windows 98 and downloads take forever it just keeps loading and loading and ain't loading.check it out.edit go to support not resources

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I have used one of those back in the 90's for about 6 years. I had a rack setup back then. Unfortunatly it's a PREAMP/effects processor. So it sounds only good in front of a clean head or in front of a power amp, i used mine with a Marshall 9200 power amp in stereo back then. The Effects (Delay/Chorus/pitch shifters etc.) on it are FANTASTIC. Great spacious sounds on it, especially in stereo. The distorted/preamp sounds sound really digital and thin, hence the tube. And since you can't bypass the preamp section it doesn't sound very good in the loop of a good tube head. Sucks tone like hell in bypass mode since you only bypass the FX section and not the preamp. Nevertheless i really miss it for soundscape FX stuff and all, but the preamp section was just a major pain. Just my experience

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it's been solong sense i've used one of these i can't remember but i thought you could bypass the preamp but maybe i'm wrong,come to think of it does'nt it have a clean tubes setting or something like that?still waiting for the discountinued prod.file to download i think it's there web sight thats the problem.

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